It is worthwhile to create a continuous thread out of this topic. Still some are claiming that "Pangalatok" is derogatory word as some use it. You can post your comments. There's no need to register.
Here's the complete sentences of the person who had chosen to be called "Concerned Pangasinense":
People from Pangasinan are called Pangasinense.This is the word we were taught academically in school and this is what is in the books:NOT Pangalatok-----Pangalatok means Pangasinense sira toktok.We are even called PangalatoT.I hate when I say "I am from Pangasinan" and the follow up statement is "So you are Pangalatok" or "So you are Pangalatot".I have silently protested this since I was young.Now that we have internet we can correct this offensive error which is becoming routinely used even Pangasinense themselves and some journalists(some of the younger ones)with out intende malice because theses slang words had been tolerated by Pangasinense. People even Pangasinense themselves call our dialect Pangalatik, Pangalatit. Wether we speak Ilocano only or Pangasinan only or Bolinao only or Zambal only or Tagalog only or combination of any, we are all Pangasinense.I will request someday the Pangasinan Provincial Board to pass a resolution affirming that we are Pangasinense:NOT Pangalatok.
Do you buy his claim that "Pangalatok" means "Pangasinense sira tuktok"?While in my other blog , my friend states these arguments:
Which came first? I don't have any historical sources on the origin of the the word "pangalatok". But it is common sense to say that "pangalatok the language" existed first before somebody gives the meaning "pangalatok as ... tuktok". That means pangalatok is not coined from "Pangasinense sira toktok". With these statements, Pangalatok that refers to the people is neither offensive nor insulting nor derogatory at all though it is misused by many.
Have we come to the point that we have to settle this out? What's your take, Please leave your comments!
It's really not a big deal.
Nope..it is not a derogator word. I am from Pangasinan, and I think that Pangalatok is a unique word. I do not mind being called "Pangalatok."
It's a Filipino comment sirang tok-tok. Just like some Filipinos they called the Kapang-pangan's dogung aso or Ilocano's are kuripot and vice versa, it doesn't bother me to be called Pangalatok,Pangalatot or sira ulo that's part of being a Filipino.
no offense intended here but...what is your point? I don't see it.
I don't mind if I am called Pangalatok . But I hate to be called Pangalatot, it sounds like otot-fart. Do something more productive--than . ...
I am Pangalatok but it doesn't bother me if my friends call me pangalatok. Not a bit. In fact I'm proud to be a Pangalatok.
pangalatok-pangalatot;ilokano-ilokantot;bicolano-bicolangot;tagalog-tangalog;visaya-buwasaya;pampanga-kapampangan-mekeni-nano buri mo...we are all but one and its up to us whether we accept our dialect as we are and be proud of it rather than having one dialect and being such a fool listening and not understanding what others are saying.CUT IT OUT.nosotros somos pilipinos no hay estupidos y tontos.
I agree with concerned pangasinense, but i don't think, panggalatok means sira tuktok. From what I learned from my bae, it's just a "pangaran or pang-asar ng mga tagalog" to first-timer Pangasinenses who came to Manila. I also agree that we shall be called what we are, Pangasinense, and the dialect is Pangasinan, not panggalatok which is absolutely wrong.
I am not bothered to be caIIed PanggaIatok. What`s the big deaI?
There are more other serious problems in this whoIe world rather than focusing on this issue. Hey Concerned P - please give us a break, wiII you? SCRAM!
I was from Pangasinan now residing in California. Pangalatok is an offensive word from what I've learned from my forefathers way back home. When I was young and was in Manila studying nursing I hate to hear comments like "oh so you are pangalatok" and even so while am here now in the United States, it sounds offensive
I was born and raised in Pangasinan. "Puro no tawagen mo". I'm from Pangasinan and i speak the dialect so it doesn't bother me to be called Pangalatok. There's no other meaning but calling me with my native language. In the first place I'm not katok so why would it bother me. We are few and PROUD Pangalatok.
I think that we have better things to talk about or think about. We are already here in the US of A, not that I want us to forget where we came from, so why don't we just go ahead and better our lives and just get on with it...just like what almie said....IT'S REALLY NOT A BIG DEAL...
sira ang tuk-tuk? siguro Si de Vinencia lang yon.
ich selbst komme aus Pangasinan!(Carmen)i don't speak Pangasenense,but i got hear it during my childhood days..its a nice dialect!!besides Ilocano,pangasense is very interesting to hear bec. most of my boardmates before communicate w/ the dialect and i'm used to it!They(my pangasenense friends) even called their dialect Pangala..but there's nothing wrong naman!!
hello guys and girls....for me,i think panggalatok is a dialect from pangasinan since we have ilocanos too and other dialects in pangasinan.just a trivia,panggalatok is one of the hardest dialects here in the philippines....
no big deal really whatever they want to call us,as long as we know our identity....have a nice day!!!
panggalatok is a dialect and its one of the hardest dialects that we have in pangasinan..be proud coz we know how to speak one.....
HI Bing! I don't find this word deragatory at all, but if we use the proper word, it sounds a lot better.That's what so unique in our country, we speak so many different dialect. We should be proud of it
In my understanding of the word "Pangalatok" is like calling a person by his/her (bansag, pannagan, like Ilocotot, mikini, tangalog, buwasaya and so on. Why should we not address/call a person by his/her true and given name to show respect, honor. The province of Pangasinan happens the dialect is "Pangasinan" vice "Pangalatok"
This to avoid confusion, misunderstanding, may also trigger a hatred etc....instead promote honor and respect to one another. This is my opinion, what's yours?
No. This word was born out of stupidity. In the Philippines, this manifests regionalism. Somewhere else, like the U S of A, one would call it racism.
I am a concerned and proud Pangasinense. Concerned because of the continued misuse of the word "pangalatok", and proud because I am a "Pangasinense." I speak "Pangasinan," the dialect of the Province of Pangasinan, unique to the "Ilocano," the dialect of most of the Ilocos Region, i.e. Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, La Union, etc, although the Province of Pangasinan belongs to the same region. Unique, according to Webster's dictionary is defined as, "being the only one of its kind, single, sole; being without equal, unpararalleled; remarkable, exceptional." Unique is a powerful word, and Pangasinenses are proud to be unique. The terms, "Pangasinan" and "Pangasinense" are both unique words which should be utilized properly for any intentions besides the true meaning of the words. "Pangalatok" does not sincerely intend to describe either the people or the dialect of the Pangasinan province... Pangasinenses should never tolerate of its gross misuse; it is demeaning and derogatory. It is sad to see that some Pangasinenses do not know these real meanings, instead they are even proud to embrace it. Let's keep 'us', people of Pangasinan and its dialect 'unique,' because we truly are, and 'pangalatok' is not part of 'us,' it is big deal!!!
it is easy to say that it is not a big deal, that is when you are not from pangasinan. but if you are, to a lot of us, it is a derogatory word.
i was often called pangalatok by some of my friends but i do correct them right away. a lot of them do not know the difference and do not really know what it means. we do need to educate the people who are not from our province and tell them the correct word.
(pangalatok-pangalatot;ilokano-ilokantot;bicolano-bicolangot;tagalog-tangalog;visaya-buwasaya;pampanga-kapampangan-mekeni-nano buri mo..)
The above says it all...
I was surprised my cousins from Pangasinan using the word Pangalatok. Of course they are younger than me. In the 70's or maybe even sixties a lot of Filipinos of different dialects didn't get along and even clashed with each other. They called each other names and insulted each other by calling each others dialect in a durogatory way. When Ilocanos say panggalatot (atot-fart), Pangasinans say Ilokudtot (kudtot-Jump), Tagalogs say Pangalatok (katok) and Ilokantot. Ilocanos returned with tangalog, etc. They also insulted each others region, ie, Ilocano kuripot, Visayans sell their daughters, Mindanao, namumugot ng ulo, etc etc. This usually resulted in fights back then but I haven't been there in over 20 years.
So yes to a lot of older Filipinos it is surprising why people of Pangasinan is accepting this. It would be almost like saying Nigger back then in my days.
People from Pangasinan who are proud, don’t care or don’t have anything to hide if they are called Pangalatok are cowards and ignorant. They don’t have the courage to stand up and make others aware what is right from wrong.
I once accepted to be called Pangalatok; but now refused since I found it’s wrong. Don’t be traitor, depend your dignity and start a revolution to educate others.
can't you guys talk about something more productive than debating about our language. There's more to life than spending your worthless time arguing about this non-sense matter. It is called individuality....some don't mind being called pangalatok & some anal one's like you guys make a big deal out of it. So give it a rest because you are trying to change something that's far within your reach.
To the above anonymous poster, it is you who makes things complicated and which makes problems of which resolution may seem unreachable. Educating the people whose knowledge is deficient about this issue is the initial step in clarifying which is proper and which is not. It seems that morons and ignorant people like you seem not to care, because you do not represent in any way the true essence of being a Pangasinense. May I beg to differ, this matter has a lot of sense; it involves the very core reputation and sense of all Pangasinenses to their very soul. The resolution of this debate, as you call it, will right the wrong of which this issue is all about. To me the end result is productive, when we succeed. As far as I am concerned, your audacity to say that there are more to life than spending worthless time arguing about this non-sense is indicative of your unwillingness to learn. If you are a Pangasinense, shame on you! If you are not, then you have no idea of how it feels to be insulted and you should have no business in saying so, on all of Pangasinenses' behalf. Perhaps it is true that we are attempting to change something far within our reach, as you have put it, but I know Pangasinenses are optimists, and this is where we excel. I can assure you that Pangasinenses will not give it a rest until every one of them is united in this endeavor and would mind whenever the word 'pangalatok' is ever misused. To the above poster, dated 1/19, yes, Pangasinenses are anal about this issue, and we don't ask for the respect that we deserve, we strongly demand for it!
Hey right on well said! So sad that some people will just say anything without thinking about what they are saying maybe because they are not from Pangasinan. Let us all unite to stop all these name callings. I hate to be called Pangalatok as I hate to call other people the name they don't like. I think it is rude and lowers the self steem of the people involved. Let people know we have pride of our people. Maybe the person saying that we are talking nonsense about the pangalatok stuff has no sense himself, hey bug off and go home and do your chores that your wife asked you to do at home. Anyway I hope he caught my drift and think of not sticking his head on territories he is not familiar with. What do you mean individuality? Individualilty is something that is divided. People of Pangasinan as far as I know believes in unity and oneness, not individuality. What are you talking about? We are #1.
Hey right on well said! So sad that some people will just say anything without thinking about what they are saying maybe because they are not from Pangasinan. Let us all unite to stop all these name callings. I hate to be called Pangalatok as I hate to call other people the name they don't like. I think it is rude and lowers the self steem of the people involved. Let people know we have pride of our people. Maybe the person saying that we are talking nonsense about the pangalatok stuff has no sense himself, hey bug off and go home and do your chores that your wife asked you to do at home. Anyway I hope he caught my drift and think of not sticking his head on territories he is not familiar with. What do you mean individuality? Individualilty is something that is divided. People of Pangasinan as far as I know believes in unity and oneness, not individuality. What are you talking about? We are #1.
Hi, this topic is not an issue of all Pangasinenses. Remember that Pangasinenses are subdivided into two: those who spoke Pangalatok and those of Ilocano's. Ilocanos don't care that much about this topic because they prefer to be called Ilocanos instead of Pangasinenses. Hence Ilocanos speak Iluko or Ilocano language, nobody called them Pangalatok. Only those who speaks Pangalatok are mistakenly being called pangalatok. There's no big deal for half of your Ilocano brothers.
Ilocano, obviously you are not paying attention to this entire issue. You said, "Hi, this topic is not an issue of all Pangasinenses," to the contrary, it is uniquely a Pangasinense issue. To remind us, you also said, "Remember that Pangasinenses are subdivided into two: those who spoke Pangalatok and those of Ilocano's. Ilocanos don't care that much about this topic because they prefer to be called Ilocanos instead of Pangasinenses." therefore, obviously the 'pangalatok issue' does not apply to our Ilokano brothers; Ilocano, you need not have responded to this issue, since it is safe for me to assume that you are indeed an Ilocano... it would have been inappropriate to have called you a Pangasinense when you are genuinely an Ilocano, wouldn't it? Furthermore, you said, "Hence Ilocanos speak Iluko or Ilocano language, nobody called them Pangalatok," your explanation here does not require a rocket scientist's mind to comprehend; would you have acted differently if your language was called something else other than 'Ilocano'? By the way, Ilocano may I remind you that your non-Ilokano (including those who speak Ilocano) brothers who live in Pangasinan prefer to be called "Pangasinenses" and the language is called "Pangasinan" (only for Pangsinan speakers), NOT "pangalatok" or otherwise. Lastly, you said, "Only those who speaks Pangalatok are mistakenly being called pangalatok. There's no big deal for half of your Ilocano brothers." Ilocano, I am sure you are not speaking on behalf of your Ilokano brothers (see I did not call you any other names besides what is appropriate?)in saying, ".... no big deal for half of your Ilocano brothers," otherwise, read my previous post why it wouldn't be a big deal to you, personally. Ilocano, I am glad that you have the command in choosing the proper word usage to denote your Ilocano brothers, but not for your Pangasinense counterparts... I believe the reason is obvious and we forgive you. ALOHA everyone and have a great day!!!
I am a pangalatok and will ever be pangalatok. What's the big deal? I am proud to be pangalatok....What's the big deal? Say what they want. Sira toktok or whatever, hindi naman totoo.
give it a rest...............soon this issue will die anyway....everybody's gonna get tired of it!!!
Tangna kung di totoo bat ko hayaan silang tawagin akong pangalatok sira toktok? Siguro nga totoo kayong sira toktok kaya kayo tinawag na pangalatok. Natatawa ako, paano ka proud na pangalatok kung toktok mo sira? Si mamang anonymous tama ka jan give it a rest and people will get tired of this issue and will die soon. For the meantime, yong idea na pangalatok sira toktok will live forever more. Long live mga pangalatok sira toktok- magsaya kayo kasi toktok niyo puro sira!
i used the term 'Pangala-talk' for my proposed cable talk- show...featuring , what else,Pangsinan!Dead surprised that it was a big deal...the show might be a big hit...who knows?wattdathink?
I believe it's ignorance why some people who are from pangasinan allow themselves to be called Pangalatok and never get bothered by it. Some were taught at an early age that people from pangasinan are really called pangalatok. Pangalatok is "sulon" and it really means pangasinan na "akatok" or sira ulo. Pangalatok is a deregatory word. And the thing is a lot of filipinos does not know it is offensive to call a pangasinan pangalatok. I worked in saudi arabia before, they called us Filipini..... that really sucked.
I for one feels offended when called 'pagalatok,' who wouldn't be? It is mostly frustrating to see fellow Pagasinenses allow and tolerate other people call them 'pangalatok' derogatorily out of ignorance. Perhaps for those who allow this name calling to violate them really deserves the name of which I think the purpose of the term 'pangalatok.' For those who defend our honor as Pangasinenses, I applaud and my hat's off to you. For those who don't give a hoot, SHAME ON YOU!! To the ones who say 'no big deal' perhaps you should adopt the name 'pangalatok' yourselves and consider moving somewhere else other than in Pagasinan, at least you are doing your fellow Pangasinenses a big favor.
Well done, to all of you whose trying to fight for whats right.Eversince I hear others calling me, that "tok" or "tot" name at the end, Hey! I tell them right away, thats not what our dialect is, It's " Pangasinan".. I'm so proud to be a Pangasinense, not any other name calling, I turned red right away and wanted to fight, insulted I guess, but thanks to the few that are trying to do the right thing, Yesterday at work, I just corrected my coworker from Tondo, and he stand corrected with it..And I'll do it again, even to the others from Pangasinan who doesn't mind to be called that offensive name P---g--k..no way jose, not a chance with me.
To our fellow Pangasinenses, We can do this one people at a time... aloha everyone !
ihate being called pangalatok. a friend insinuate that you r from pangasinan so you r pangalatok i argue with her and called her so you mean you are ilonggotot to make her realize the word im arguing about
so what If the'll call me Pangalatok or whatsoever, anyway I am very proud to be a Pangasinense, infact, I have just started writing a Pangalatok Dictionary. It is disgusting that to tell you that in Alaminos City people do not speak with you in Pangasinan, they spael Tagalog even if I said to them I speak I am a Pangalatok.
Tersita P. Bardel said...
so what If the'll call me Pangalatok or whatsoever, anyway I am very proud to be a Pangasinense, infact, I have just started writing a Pangalatok Dictionary.
I am a southern tagalog, from Cavite, and I am willing and eager to learn your langauge. Where can i get a copy of your dictionary? I'll be waiting for your reply. Thank you. bryerocks@yahoo.com
it's a big deal!
My native tongue is Bolinao and I also speak the Pangasinan dialect. But I always say I am a Pangasinense. When someone asked me whether I am a Pangalatok or what? I corrected him because I don't like the term. Yes, the term is derogatory and I feel bad hearing it because the proper term should be Pangasinense -- and I am proud to be one!
To Teresita Bardel
Please take your Pangalatok dictionary somewhere else. If you claim yourself a PANGALATOK then you must not be from Pangasinan. Only PANGASINENSES are from Pangasinan, NOT Pangalatok! Teresita, you insult me and the rest of the genuine PANGASINENSES from Pangasinan, ignorantly calling us Pangalatoks! If you consider yourself proud, fortunate to live in this wonderful province of Pangasinan, live up to it. Educate the rest of the world, starting with yourself... tell everyone that the word 'pangalatok' is derogatory and should NOT be used either to refer to the wonderful people of the province of Pangasinan or its language. I hope you consider yourself educated. ... end of my two cents ...
To Brian:
You have been misinformed. If you want to learn about our Pangasinan dialect, go to the library and do your research. There are other more authoritative resources that you can utilize as well. Teresita's dictionary would be the worst means to start learning our wonderful language, as the name itself tells.
saray ilokanots tan tagalogots labat so mantatawag ya salita tayo ya pangalatok...ambagel so nangawd sayan forum pawil kad nanlapoan mo..!!!proud to be pangasinan ya aliwan panggalatok..sika so akatok sika ya nangawad sayan forum..saray tay ibabaga da ya its not big deal ambagel kayo awa malukak lay tornilyoy ulo yo??gabay yo tay tawagen da kayo ya panggalatok???will its a big deal for me baleg ya insulto tan parad siak...parad saray arum ya kaawiran tayo ya pangasinan met..salamat cooment ko met labat ya...
saray ilokanots tan tagalogots so mantatwag ya salita tayo ya panggalatok.. i really hate calling our dialect a panggalatok..makapasaboy dala!!!!!!!!balbaleg ya insulto ya ed sika tayo ran pangasinan!!!!for those who said its not a big deal for them to call their dialect panngalatok shame on you...but for those who refuse and correct it...i am proud of u...tnx...inar aro taka yo ran kabaleyan ko..my mother is from dagupan and my father is from calasiao..
for those who said that there are proud to be a paggalatok and not a pangasinan shame on you all and for those who said that they are proud to be pangasinan...i am proud of you all:)
Pangasinense is the accceptable academic term for people of Pangasinan. Pangalatok is more of a street/slang word for Pangasinense. Am sure most people who use it dont mean to brand us, people of Pangasinan, as sira ulo (sira ulo is "katok" in Pangasinan dialect) but if that is their intent, then proove it otherwise, unless it is true in your case. I take no offense my self, because the origin of that particular word can not be traced. Unless an academic dictionary says that it means a crazy Pangasinense then I will refuse to be called one because I am not.
Agmo paniirapan na linawa su agmo natatalusan ta umpano untwa tay ibabaga da ya sakey kan Pangasinan ya akatok! Eh, di sika lamlamang su kaskasyan. elek mo labat su bilay ta aliwan atan su agtayo dapat pantatalusan.
yes it is a derogatory for me.. anggan antoy gawaen kon talaga aliwdiwan dengelen so tawag ed salita tayo ya panggalatok??? please stop calling our dialect in that word it is proper to call it pangasinan..as it refers also to our province...more power to all of our kabaleyans out there....
paulian yo la unsawa ra lamlamang. manpanengneng kayoy kamaungan ta tawagen da kayo ed ngaran tan uston ngaray provinsya.
mankakasakey tayon amin ya taga pangasinan. that's the big deal.
no walay mantawag ed sikayo ya panggalatok sika so akatok kwanyo ed sikato ah...makakaloko ra ah..may muntik nga makapatay dahil jan mukhang masama kasi dating panggalatok ka kanto sa may pangasinan baoninam siopatay akatok ya ibabagam kanto may pinan bagaan to...angalay barang sinigbat to inyakar dad ospital 50 50 bilay to inatey so lasi ay agi katawan no akin ta makakloko met..no pangasinan ka kanto la komon di mas marakep ni nen say onman..just telling a true story po...tnx its a big deal po...!!!!!
OK lang yun. Di ba automatic naman na kapag Pilipino ka eh sira tuktok mo?
Kung Amerikano ka ang tawag sa'yo "crazy". Ganun lang yun.
'Wag ka masyadong magalala sa bagay na yan. Sira ulo ka by default. Depende na lang kung ita-translate mo sa Pangalatok ang salitang "sira ulo". Pero ikaw pa rin yun. Iba lang ang translation.
Let both terms be.
It's a good sign to see whether a person is educated or not. If he says pangalatok, obviously, he was absent most of the time from his history/social studies classes. If he uses the right Pangasinense term, it shows that he was a good student and learner.
Whatever term he uses, it is upon the listening Pangasinense to understand and take, with a grain of salt. Besides, I disagree that pangalatok automatically translates to someone who is crazy - it may in fact be an endearing term without the listener knowing it.
Magpa-lamig muna kayo...
It's not important if they call you Pangalatalk as long as they don't mean it or don't know what this word means. What is important is you, as one human being in this world, unique, full of talents and nice person
MABETBET: You don't make any sense! Personally, whether it was meant or not, I still take the word offensively; if the person does not know what it means, then it is our duty as Pangasinenses to educate the fool, hehehehe. Mabetbet, I am unsure whether or not you are a true Pangasinense, but if you are it is your duty to utilize your talent to inform and secure the good honor and reputation of the Pangasinenses; if you are not a true Pangasinense, then consider yourself just educated about the issue.
JOBHUNTER: I second the motion... good job!
JHOURLAD: Speak for yourself bro! Ikaw lang siguro ang sira ang ulo by default. Filipinos specially the true Pangasinenses are full of talents, hard working people, and by default intelligent. Pare, sira talaga ang utak mo , and I mean that seriously. Baka kailangan mo ng lobotomy, me veterinarian akong kilala, magsabi ka lang.
Mabuhay ang mga Pangasinenses!!!
Brinnging this thread back.
I think it's a big deal to me.
I don't like being called Pangalatot or otherwise.
Sa lahat ng mga nakakabasa sa lahat ng mga messages dito, Pangalatok is a derogatory word, no matter what everyone is saying here. For all of those who are not aware, Pangalatok should not be used to refer to the good people of Pangasinan; Pangasinense is the proper word. For the Pangasinenses who do not care about the issue, mahiya naman kayo... ipagtanggol naman niyo ang honor nating mga Pangasinenses. Reputation nating lahat na Pangasinenses ang at stake. Don't allow other people to insult us by using such derogatory word, Pangalatok. Mabuhay tayong lahat na Pangasinenses.
Mamatay na lang sana ang lahat ng gumamit ng pangalatok, nakakainis na kasi eh titigas ang ulo ng mga ugok! Anyway, by the way thank you!
Hey does anyone have a copy of Katrina Halili-Hayden Kho video? If you do, please share it by posting it, hehehe. Deng, wala ako kasi mahagilap dito sa ingternet the last two weeks na. Si Senator Bong Revilla kasi nakikisawsaw sa eksena, inalis tuloy. Ano ba mga kabayan dapat bang senado makialam sa usaping ito? Daming ibang probs ng Pinaa ito pa ang pinagaabalahan, hay naku mga Pinoys talaga walang magagawa esp. si Mr.Bong 'sawsaw' Revilla. Hoy, don't tell me hindi mo ginagawa yong ginawa ni Hayden man ano ka bakla? Go back to your office and do your job instead of pa pogi points ka lang hehehehe
Gago talaga tong si Bong Revilla nakikialam kasi wala tuloy video sa internet hehehe. Pare o mare sa taas ko sinabi niya baboy daw si Hayden, siguro hindi siya marunong kumain ng PEK2X. Baka bakla siya o kaya ngayon lang siya nakakita ng kumakain ng kepyas hahahaha. Oh sorry ate no malice ha sinasabi ko lang totoo kasi mga iba diyan like Bong Revilla kunwari santo, pa pogi points lang yanng gagong yan eh. Just my 2 sentimos hehehehe. Peace!! sapakin ko kaya siya hahahahaha.
I pity Pangasinenses who believed in the OLD myths. Some claims that Pangalatok is a derogatory word. I now ask, what and who is your source? "kwento ng LOLO nyo o ng kapit bahay nyo"?
I Challenge them to show prof from a TEXTBOOK, Duly accepted by the National Historical Institute.
My teacher back in my primary days taught me this simple definitions.
Pangasinan = Place
Pangasinense= People
Pangalato/Pangalatok= Dialect
Now you know.
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Letter to Proponents who state that Pangalatok is a Derogatory Word:
Good day everyone. As I am too busy with my personal life, I am writing this letter to once and for all present my answers to proponents who says that Pangalatok is a derogatory word. I do not want to waste my precious time debating on this topic, debating on people who do not even present support or evidences of their allegation. But I am pressed to present my following arguments, against those who are pushing for the abolition of Pangalatok:
1. First, THERE IS NO DIRECT AND SOLID EVIDENCE IN HISTORY TO PROVE THE ALLEGATION THAT PANGALATOK IS A DEROGATORY AND INSULTING WORD. The allegation that Pangalatok was used in history as derogatory and insulting word is a mere conjecture. THE PROPONENTS DO NOT HAVE DIRECT AND SOLID EVIDENCES TO PROVE THE ALLEGATION THAT PANGALATOK WAS USED IN HISTORY AS A DEROGATORY AND INSULTING WORD. It is futile to proceed and a very waste of time debating on a topic that is not true at all, and worst no evidence at all. To Proponents, please provide direct and solid evidence to prove your allegation. There is no need to continue reading my succeeding arguments unless this first argument is debunked. The burden of proof lies to the proponents (emper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit) who state that Pangalatok is a derogatory and insulting word.
2. Second, the imposed definition of Pangalatok is variable or inconsistent. There is no point in debating if the definition is not truly identified or pinned down, or else we are debating on different pages. One alleged definition says that Pangalatok means “Kasla kayo nga agtogkik nga manok no agsasao” or Pangasinan +kasla+ togkik +manok= Panga-la-tok. Another one says that Pangalatok means “Pangasinense sira tuktok”. Another definition states “"Pangasinan na katok." The definitions are variable and inconsistent. Furthermore, there is no evidence to prove that these definitions really existed in history. These definitions are mere conjectures and no evidence at all. All of these definitions are unsubstantiated.
Yet, please go back to my FIRST argument declaring that there is no solid and direct evidence to prove that Pangalatok was once used in history as a derogatory and insulting word. It is futile and a very waste of time to debate on the allegation that Pangalatok is a derogatory word as the proponents have no evidence at all.
3. Assuming that Pangalatok is derived from “Pangasinan+kasla+togkik+manok”, this unsubstantiated derivation of Pangalatok is not insulting and is not even derogatory. The proponents who tell that this definition is derogatory and insulting are just over-reacting (OA) and are alarmist.
Yet, please go back to my FIRST argument declaring that there is no solid and direct evidence to prove that Pangalatok was once used in history as a derogatory and insulting word. It is futile and a very waste of time to debate on the allegation that Pangalatok is a derogatory word as the proponents have no evidence at all.
(Pls see Second Part for Arguments #4-5 and Third Part for Arguments #6-7)
Second part (Please see First Part for Arguments #1-3 and Third Part for Arguments #6-7)
4. Assuming that Pangalatok was once used in history as a derogatory and insulting word but still you continue to promote that "Pangalatok" is derogatory and offensive, it means that you continue and continue until forever to promote the history of difference/conflict that Ilocano and Pangasinan had in the past. History is history, especially if it is a bad history. I rather be called myself Pangalatok and forget the difference that Ilocano and Pangasinan had in the past, than go against the flow and maintain to call myself Pangasinan thinking that Pangalatok is a derogatory word due to a shameful history of conflict.
Yet, please go back to my FIRST argument declaring that there is no solid and direct evidence to prove that Pangalatok was once used in history as a derogatory and insulting word. It is futile and a very waste of time to debate on the allegation that Pangalatok is a derogatory word as the proponents have no evidence at all.
5. If the allegation is true that Pangalatok is a derogatory and insulting word, most Pangasinan people are not aware of it. If Pangasinan people are not even aware of this alleged derogatory connotation, then it is more true that other people of the Philippines are also not aware. Furthermore, the word Pangalatok terminology has been widely utilized by the people throughout the country and even abroad, not only Pangasinans. In this case, abolishing the term “Pangalatok” means going against the terminology being utilized throughout the country and abroad.
The audiences of this issue are not just the Pangasinan people, but all the people who utilizes the term Pangalatok. Tagalog, Bicolano, Bisaya, and all other citizens of the country are exposed to the word Pangalatok. Thus, if the proponents wanted to abolish the term “Pangalatok”, then the proponents should understand that their audiences are not just the Pangasinans, but all other people throughout the country and abroad utilizing the term Pangalatok.
Yet, please go back to my FIRST argument declaring that there is no solid and direct evidence to prove that Pangalatok was once used in history as a derogatory and insulting word. It is futile and a very waste of time to debate on the allegation that Pangalatok is a derogatory word as the proponents have no evidence at all.
(Please see First Part for Arguments #1-3 and Third Part for Arguments #6-7)
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